For anyone who cares to read


Everything on this site is my own work (unless it is quoted from other sources, in which case I will provide accreditation). I have spent a long time with my thoughts, trying to express them properly. However, that is not always easy.

My writings come from experience, philosophy, watching, and my own, unique perspective. I hope that at least some of what I write here may make sense to some of those who read it. The Internet age has brought us many freedoms and access to much information. It has also brought us into conflict. However, that is only because some refuse to compromise.

My writing and WebWords

image Why I created this site and what I hoped to achieve

I have been writing for a number of years, but only recently had some of my work published. I write mainly about things I have direct experience of, but also my feelings about life, people, the world and even the universe. I am not certain that I have any true aims for my writing, but if I can help others, make people think or even laugh, I won't have failed.

I will be adding to the site on a regular basis, as I find the time to write and create new pages. Of course, I hold political views. However, I try to moderate them and listen to others. Unfortunately, I am a true cynic (I take after my father in this) and I have a healthy dislike and disrespect of politicians - from all parties. I also detest unfairness, corruption and the inhuman behaviour so many people make their own.