
Prejudice is destroying society
I have been reading and hearing a worrying amount about the behaviour of public officials that is inappropriate, morally wrong, unjustifiable and criminal.

I have some, but not much, personal experience of discrimination. I am, in many respects, one of the "lucky" ones, or am I? I come from a time when discrimination was not only rife, but also pretty much accepted. It was something the victims became accustomed to and realised there was little - if anything - they could do about it, so we just accepted it. However, that didn't make it right.

Unfortunately, human beings just don't like some other human beings, for a variety of reasons. Because of this, they treat those people less favourably. It happens with those considered to be the "beautiful people"; those "blessed" with greater physical beauty than the rest of us. We all do it! If we see a beautiful man or woman, we want to be like them, or at least to have an association with them, and so we often treat them more favourably than others. It is part of Evolution: the "survival of the fittest". Just as an insect is drawn to the most colourful flower, so humans are attracted to the most beautiful people. Surely, though, that goes against the philosophy of Humanity. We have created a society that is supposed to be based on fairness and equality, denying special privileges to none and granting equal rights and freedom to everyone. In charge of this system, we have chosen people to be our guardians and to administer justice, as well as enforce the codes we have put in place. However, when those people - our politicians, army, police, civil servants, doctors and the suchlike - fail us by discriminating against people they dislike, then the system has gone wrong.

When the system does go wrong (which is inevitable), it must be put right by those who are charged with the overall responsibility for making it so. If they, too, fail us, then we can no longer call ourselves a civilised and democratic society; we become a rabble. The concepts is not difficult to grasp, neither is it impossible to implement and maintain. It requires integrity. It isn't any more complicated than that.

My own experience of prejudice, I regret to say, has been with the authorities, as well as some past employers. At the time, it was "acceptable"; no laws had been passed to prevent it from happening. I knew it was morally wrong, but I also knew nothing - at the time - could be done about it. Unfortunately, politics does not work fast, unless it is against the people, or in the interests of the few. Herein lies one of the problems. Sacking someone from their employment, because you don't like the colour of their skin, or because you don't like who they sleep with, is absurd. Allowing this behaviour is disgraceful and uncivilised. If we cannot trust the Authorities, and thus the politicians, who can we trust? Someone, somewhere, has to take responsibility and act - seriously, aggressively and unequivocally.

If you depend on one or more of the Authorities - for whatever reason - you have a right to be treated fairly and equally. That is the responsibility they accepted when they took on their role. It is also the responsibility assumed by the State, in return for the power they have over all of us. Reneging on that responsibility is unacceptable. It is wrong, and worse, it is a betrayal of the trust placed in them by the people. More than that, it is criminal. Can we really claim to be a civilised and fair society, when there is so much hatred and prejudice? How much longer are you prepared to allow hatred, bigotry, prejudice, superstition and mindless stupidity govern your lives, hoping that you, yourself, won't one day be a victim of your own prejudice? How much longer are you prepared to allow this to go unchecked, and for our Authorities and politicians to ignore it? Why shouldn't your employer treat you fairly? Why shouldn't your doctor give you the same care as your neighbour? Why should the truth be stifled, just so the few can hold on to the money they covet more than their duty?

Unfortunately, we have witnessed far too many incidences of people in power and/or responsibility who have taken the money they have been offered - sometimes a considerable amount of public money - and failed to accept and carry out their duties.

Let me make it clear: it is wrong for the a public body to discriminate against anyone, whether it be in the course of their duties or their employment. It must not be allowed to continue. Those who are charged with the responsibility of rectifying things when they do go wrong, and who "turn a blind eye", should also not be doing the job. They are corrupt and morally bankrupt and not fit to hold office. They should not be paid any money for being told to leave, either.

On an almost daily basis, there is a headline about some public body, that has squandered money, or just failed in some way. The question here is simple: why were they allowed to do so? If you had a car that didn't run, you'd either repair it or scrap it. However, we have to keep on paying in one way or another, and the problem is never fixed.

How many more times must we hear that the public have been failed by those who are supposed to serve them, yet the culprits are found "not guilty", and then politely asked to resign as quietly as possible, with their pockets stuffed full of our money? Failed IT projects cost billions of Pounds; "gagging orders", discrediting, covert surveillance, expenses, telephone "hacking", spying on the public's usage of the Internet, racism, homophobia and sexism, bullying, and even murder, but who does anything about it? Our politicians are lame, perhaps justifiably accused of being liars, cheats, charlatans and lazy, corrupt fools. Yet they are not so foolish as to deny themselves a fat salary, and a huge pension, while the rest of us have to pray for our retirement.

If we want to change this country for the better, and deny the bully and the prejudiced an even greater foothold, the change has to come from the top. There can be no more toleration of corruption and prejudice. Bullying - everywhere - must stop, and with it, so must prejudice, hatred and intolerance. We have enough wars to fight, without turning on our own people and denying them access to justice, protection and fairness. We must also end the cronyism that helped to cause this situation in the first place; no more "jobs for the boys", old school chums, "funny handshakes" and favouritism. Jobs must be given to those who are right for the job because of their ability and/or experience, not because of who they know.

You, too, may "turn a blind eye" to the prejudice you see in your workplace, the police, the NHS, the town hall, place of worship or the Houses of Parliament. But have you never thought that, whilst today it may be the turn of the homosexual, the disabled, the ethnic minority, the old, the young, the Jew or anyone deemed to be "different", tomorrow it may be your turn. You may inspire prejudice in an Official, just because of something about you they do not care for at the time; their pet "fad" of the week. Perhaps, then, you, too, will give up your own prejudice and allow other people a fair chance. In the meantime, we must force our politicians to do their job - and their duty - and act responsibily - without prejudice.